Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring 300 km Results

This lovely bunch

Norm Carr
Doug Hiebert
John Kramer
Susan Otcenas
Gary Smith
Paul Whitney

were the finishers of the Spring 300. Woo yay.

The morning's trip along Butter Creek Road was made somewhat interesting by the westerly breeze, but apart from that we got lucky with the weather. Some mechanical adventures emphasized the need for reliable kit when riding around these parts.

Big thanks again to Marcie for expert card-signing skills in Pendleton and Hermiston and bonus baked treats.

Thanks to all the riders for their outstanding lighting and nighttime reflectivity impressiveness and their delightful company, as always.

You'll have to wait all the way until May before our next event(s), but have patience because it's going to be awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to Norm for organizing such a phenomenal course. Having ridden it twice now I can safely say it's pretty spectacular! And many thanks to uber-volunteer Marcie. You are always such a welcoming sight on these long rides, and your baked treats can''t be beat!!


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